For StartUps

We leap forward, opening new partnerships and getting into the market needs, attempting new ways of open innovation and making community better than ever.

We connect startups with our global network of corporates, governments and other partners in countries in which we are present.

We invest our money, people, time and efforts into startup projects which in our belief share our values:

Clarity of Objectives
Demand on International Markets
Volume in Prospects
Different approach to Customer’s Pain
Commitment to Teamwork
Consistency in Planning and Actions

Hightech Investment Partners (HIP) connects startups and technological companies around the world. As your preferred strategic partner, we will scale both your business and your fundraising achievements.

As a matter of our cooperation, we will join our efforts with your team in fulfilling all appropriate tasks.

In case you seek new funding for your startup project we estimate that your team will contact us by e-mail with a presentation in Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Power Point formats taking in account following guidelines:

- what problem you want to solve and why it exists
- proposed solution. here or on a separate slide - the technology behind your product, the achieved technical parameters to date, technical characteristics of the final (future) product
- total addressable market (TAM) and serviceable available market (SAM) in the world (and in Russia, if you have such data)
- competition - select 3-5 most relevant competitors and 3-5 most important attributes of the products, include the pros-cons and numerical indicators
- your project's business model, marketing strategy (in which markets and how to promote) and sales plan
- who is in your team, who are your shareholders
- 2 years roadmap of your project from your product's perspective (in general terms)
- your project's current financials: revenues, costs, etc. (if any)
- anticipated exit strategy for an investor
- your contact information

Again, these are just the guidelines. If you think that your approach to the pitch deck is better than this you may send us a presentation made in your own style.

In case you look for an expansion of your sales and want to gain new revenue streams from international customers then you can send us your product’s presentation along with cover letter.

In case you would like to invite our representative to the board of directors or utilize the best opportunities of our mentorship you may e-mail us just a message describing your proposal in general terms, as a first step.